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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Towards the revolution of the concepts of food and food systems: universal access in a world of abundance. When will food be considered a common good? Thursday 10 and Friday 11 June two seminars hosted by the Sant'Anna School streamed on Webex

Publication date: 03.06.2021
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Can be food considered as a common good? Is there an alternative way of thinking about food beyond the mere logic of the market? For two days, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 June, the theme of the so-called "Food Commons" - that is, food systems understood as a common good -, will be under the international spotlight thanks to the initiative of the research group AgLAW (Agricultural, Agrifood, Agrienvironmental Law) within the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of the Sant'Anna School of Pisa.

"The Food Commons: a new paradigm for fairer, greener and sustainable food systems? An alternative way of thinking about food outside the logic of the market. Ideas, reflections and practical cases from all over Europe" are the questions/theme of the two seminars organized by Antonio Manzoni (Ph.D. fellow, Sant’Anna School) and Jose Luis Vivero Pol (University of Louvain, Belgium).

Both meetings will be broadcast live by Webex at the following links: